I realize it's been awhile since we had time to sit down and catch up on everything, so here goes..
We have both been extremely busy around here, me and work and Jimmy at work, in the yard, and at work. I have been out of town on some meetings and actually took my daughter to The Grand Hotel in Point Clear for four days. My it was nice, we both hated to leave.
As I mentioned earlier, Jimmy has been busy in the yard. First of all every stitch of grass in the back yard died, you heard me, it died. We think it may have died from the heat and maybe we didn't quite get it enough water, but at any rate it died. Thankfully, Randy and Jamie, were putting in another bed and we were able to get the grass they were getting rid of. It is St. Augustine so it is more drought and heat tolerant. We have noticed Bermuda Grass coming up and that was what was in the first spreading of seeds we lay down in the spring.
Aside from that development not much has changed. The most exciting thing that has happened is Jimmy did build a trellis and fence at the top of garden. Here are some of the pictures that he took of it shortly after he finished.
This one is looking back up at the back of the house, just ignore the messy porch.
Don't you just love the little fence he built.
This one is looking down on the fountain with the neighbors swing set in the background.
And yet another view of the new addition.
Wade and Jimmy
You guys are really smart to be putting your hardscape first. We kind of did ours backwards. Great job!--Randy