Sunday started off like a lot of days lately, with rainy skies. It is as if the good Lord has decided to give us the rain that we had been missing over the past several years.
As I said earlier, our good friends Ronnie and Lee from south Alabama came up for the weekend. They had ordered several statues from the concrete man Randy and Jamie introduced us to in Clanton, Alabama. He really has great prices on everything he has. In the pictures in today's blog you will see the lady in the first photo and the large fountain in the second we purchased from him dirt cheap. His motto is "its only concrete."
"Jimmy's Plant Hospital and Adoption Center."
Most of these plants were rescued from others cleaning out their beds, found while trekking through the woods on his work sites, and even friends giving them to him after they had almost let them die. The fern that that you see in the upper left was pronounced DOA by Dr. Wade when it arrived. With Dr. Jimmy's patients and persistence it is beginning to come back to life. Randy and Jamie of gave him the cork screw willows that you see planted, and growing i might add, in the red solo cups in the back.
Included this picture, not because it was that impressive of a picture, but because of the way it turned out. We noticed how it looked as if we had photo shopped the rose into to picture. Just thought it was neat.
I think this one is called the "Blue Eyes"
Love this one: "Wild Horses"
Most of these plants were rescued from others cleaning out their beds, found while trekking through the woods on his work sites, and even friends giving them to him after they had almost let them die. The fern that that you see in the upper left was pronounced DOA by Dr. Wade when it arrived. With Dr. Jimmy's patients and persistence it is beginning to come back to life. Randy and Jamie of gave him the cork screw willows that you see planted, and growing i might add, in the red solo cups in the back.
Well in closing let me say thanks again for all of the comments and the visits. We are still trying to figure this whole blog thing out, so please be patient.
Also, I almost forgot, if you want an agave, please let us know. We have 12 babies now and need to get rid of them. If you want one let us know and we will send one to you absolutely free (is this the part where I say, "call now, in the next ten minutes, cause we can't do this all day"?). Just don't want to have to throw them away.
Happy gardening until next time, Wade and Jimmy